Religions, is a massive issue that takes hundreds of pages talking about its bad influence on societies. Imagine that some cultural and beliefs systems, having no relation with logic, intellectuality and realism, are affecting on different aspects of life, from politics, ethics, life style, humans sexual activities, friendship relations, arts, ect..
Since politics is the last issue that may concern me, and since my personal thoughts, acts, relationships and life style are ruled by my own mind not by any religious preachment, the only thing that is really playing on my nerves, which led me to write this, is relating religions to arts.
As we all know, humans can never be hindered from thinking whatever they choose. Some of them prefer to conceal their thoughts and keep them in their minds while others express them by using arts. Many societies appreciate arts more than anything else unlike Lebanon that still contains people who are attached to some wrong religious beliefs that make them look at the artistic work from a different perspective than the intellectual people. From two weeks I have watched “Tannoura Maxi” for a curiosity purpose since I’m not a fan of Lebanese movies; the movie is trying to send us a hidden message by reflecting a certain life style of some old fashioned mentalities that still exist in our society. Many debates have happened concerning this movie because of the scene of the church, when they showed us women who were doing everything except praying, with some tempting and seductive acting (knowing that this is what really happens in some churches). Although I found the movie a bit meaningless because it’s not showing us anything new, but I didn’t find anything wrong with the church scene, and I’m wondering what will our society’s reaction be if a Lebanese director does a movie like “Bad education” which focuses on a child sexual abuse by a catholic priest, with showing us homosexual people making fun of Christianity in the church.
I’m pretty sure that none of the religious people have turned into atheist after watching the movie, and it’s their problem if they felt offended while reflecting them the pathetic reality of our superficial society that still lacks lots of intellectuality.
In addition to that, 2 days ago I listened by mistake to an old religious lady on TV who was astonished by the act of bringing rock bands to Leb , she was like “with the existence of Christianity in our society how can they bring such bands to perform at our country!!!?? Where is our faith in Jesus and Virgin Mary!?”, as if she knows anything about music and rock, and as if Christians will turn agnostics after watching a rock performance.
Some priests, sheikhs, and clergies suffer from deviation and they are more materialistic than any other person. I don’t think they have the right or even the ability to judge any art work, because everyone has his own thoughts and beliefs and has the freedom of expressing it in any action, and we just can accept it or reject it, as simple as that.
I wish that humanity will have an era filled with rational people with expanded minds, who discovered the fact that religion, instead of being a cultural system that organizes societies and creates a kind of spirituality and inner peace, is doing nothing but damaging humanity by its holy wars, terrorism and obliging people to follow some rules that were made over 3000 years ago.
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-- Sandy Peters
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