Computer hacking outside movies is hard, it involves slow comprehensive work, deep reconnaissance about targets, repetitive and boring tasks, until the little boy gets inside the cage. It is usually misinterpreted by Hollywood, thus came the term `Hollywood Hacking`.
For the last decade, sometimes for artistic needs others out of ignorance, numerous movies failed miserably to transmit scenes from real life hacking. Hackers being picky, always on-alert digging the undiggable, always starving-for-details, cannot tolerate bullsh*t. Being captured by small mistakes (it's their job after all) ends them up distracted and turned off from what they are watching.
A good friend of mine from the scene recommended me Mr. Robot series, this is probably the first ever show that cares about getting hacking right; Mr. Robot has shown that professional hackers have been consulted before the making of the movie.
Being said and while watching the 1st Episode of the 1st Season, the time @00:49:29 got me out of my suspense to screenshot this! I was shocked! AN IP ADDRESS that ends with 373: DAMMIT! why?!?!

I paused the video for 15 minutes, trying to decode what could possibly be decoded, but I failed.
After I completed Season 1, I stumbled upon that screenshot in my desktop again, but now, the odd IP address makes a little bit more sense, for the below reasons:
- Reason #1 will not be very comprehensive to avoid spoilers, but the person who is believed to have written the IP on the paper is not who we really think he is!
- Using any real IPv4 address will surely be owned by someone since the address space is now sold out (imagine someone using your email address or worse, your home address on a TV show)
- It's not very wise to use an owned and real IP address on a show attracted by hackers
- Any skiddy can launch a DoS attack, imagine what could happen when the show gets aired
- Sometimes movie makers publish stuff to annoy you, if I were them, I would have definitely done worse!
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