Computer hacking outside movies is hard, it involves slow comprehensive work, deep reconnaissance about targets, repetitive and boring tasks, until the little boy gets inside the cage. It is usually misinterpreted by Hollywood, thus came the term `Hollywood Hacking`
When it comes to blogs and websites security, it's not always your programmer's mistake (though most of time it is), sometimes it's yours; and it's doubled when you are your own programmer.
People don't ship with user manuals, whether you dated on purpose or by mistake the `security gal` or `security guy` this will guide you through the do's and don'ts to tweak and maintain a sustainable relationship, full of joy and all those shits.
This document is about hacking and exploiting iPhone vulnerbilities in order to extract the iPhone user's SMS database. You do not need to be a Hacking Guru, many times you can rely on other people's stupidity and bad configurations in order to achieve your goals.