Here are the commonly met security mistakes/misconfiguration
1: You use FTP

2: You publish from coffee shops and shared networks

3: You don't use encrypted channels to manage your content
Here is how your password looks like when you login without encryption:
4: Your blog installation is not regularly updated
Drupal update:
5: You don't backup your website
6: You backup files on publically accessible directories
7: You leave your backups on the same server on the hosted blog
8: You don't test your backups
9: You save (s)FTP accounts in your client repository
10: You rely on security by obscurity
11: You don't logout when done editing
If your session was stolen while editing your blog, hackers may still be able to reuse it even if you completly closed your browser or simply the tab.
Fix (Level=Easy): Just click logout, it will kill your session to never be used again and btw, avoid the keep me logged in flag.
13: You keep the default predictable login URL to login for regular and administrator panel (/wp-admin and /wp-login.php)
14: You use Weak/Predictable passwords
"Through 20 years of effort, we've successfully trained everyone to use passwords that are hard for humans to remember, but easy for computers to guess" - XKCD

15: You reveal your login username in blog posts

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