Why do people look over the universe for a solution that is right at their doorstep?
Sometimes, the answer is around and seeking beyond is just stupid.
Mankind is amazing, it's hilarious how people lean on spiderman-like characters that never showed up, never intervened, just a thought only a thought, a need for release that sadly vacuums then explodes - and still, it's still believed to deliver from evil.
Brain control is a trojan horse, thought injection is the payload and hunger is the exploit; humankind evolved to a state of devolution, rendering the world lust for a new governance system. It's time to prove to our ancestors that we can pursue.
Break out, Smell the coffee, unlearn, isolate, revolt, escape, live and keep loose.
For you are dust, cosmic dust and to cosmic dust you will return.
Here are some recent photos from the 21st century - yes we surpassed year 2000 and that's us below...

4 boys bombarded as they played football in Gaza

Malaysia Airlines Plane Crash

"I'm gonna tell god everything"

Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

ISIS to Christians in Mosul: convert, pay or die
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