Yesterday's moon underwent a Penumbral Eclipse, this happens when the moon passes through the earth's penumbra (earth's secondary shadow). Seen from earth, the moon's dish showed subtle changes and got gradually darker from one side. Generally, somewhere's penumbral lunar eclipse is somewhere else's umbral eclipse.
An umbra is the innermost part of the shadow where the ligh source is totally blocked, while the penumbra is the 2nd layer of the shadow where only a part of the light source is blocked.
Due to the full moon's brightness and the slow-moving event, the naked eye fails to detect the illumination change, but the difference can be seen with well exposed photos.
I took several shots with the same settings and comparing the below photos, the moon looks a bit darker from its left bottom side (2nd photo).
Future events:
Nov 3 2013 : Total solar eclipse that can be seen from Parts of Europe, Parts of Asia, Africa, Parts of North America, Parts of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean
Apr 1 2014: Total lunar eclipse that can b seen from West in Asia, East in North America, Parts of South America
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